How to find like-minded people and join trending projects?

Tim Moldazhan tim.moldazhan at
Mon Aug 26 23:07:13 UTC 2024

On Monday, 26 August 2024 at 21:03:23 UTC, Serg Gini wrote:
> On Monday, 26 August 2024 at 18:29:02 UTC, Tim Moldazhan wrote:
>> Is there anyone from the community who works on a search 
>> engine, crawler, spider and scraper or on an AI transformer 
>> like chatGPT? Although I do not have much experience in these 
>> technologies, I would like to join and contribute to the 
>> development. I would like to see a product written in my 
>> favorite language D.
> Hi Tim!
> I had started several projects related to your list :)
> Mostly it was ports of existing projects..
> I would suggest to join the Discord and continue discussion 
> there if you are interested.
> But honestly the situation is quite bad. There is too much work 
> that need to be finished, until it will be possible to create 
> something serious (at least in AI/transformers area).
> Search engine is more “doable”. But again be prepared that you 
> will do everything alone, because at the current stage the 
> community is mostly interested in tinkering with compiler 
> development things, and not very keen to ecosystem improvements 
> :)

I see! I have studied projects from other languages ​​for 
academic purposes and already have theoretical knowledge. I think 
we will have something to discuss and share ideas. Let's outline 
tasks. We can continue your projects, anyway we have a common 
goal. I hope many people will want to join after reading the 
post. I'm in!

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