nothrow/@nogc inference troubles with emplace/move?

Manu turkeyman at
Wed Aug 28 11:20:43 UTC 2024

On Wed, 28 Aug 2024 at 20:11, Dennis via Digitalmars-d <
digitalmars-d at> wrote:

> On Wednesday, 28 August 2024 at 08:59:49 UTC, Manu wrote:
> > Oh wow... that's bad. Is there any plan to fix this?
> I want to, but with dmd's current architecture, I don't know how.
> The tricky case is:
> ```D
> // example of @safe inference, but the same applies to pure
> nothrow and @nogc
> void systemFunc() @system;
> void fun1()()
> {
>      fun2();
>      systemFunc();
> }
> void fun2()()
> {
>      fun1();
> }
> void main0() @system
> {
>      fun1();
> }
> void main1() @safe
> {
>      fun2(); // should error
> }
> ```
> fun1 gets analyzed first, which gets interrupted when it sees the
> call to fun2.
> Then fun2 gets analyzed, but that sees a call to fun1, which at
> that point is still in the process of inferring attributes. The
> current implementation gives up here and infers fun2 as `@system`.
> So I tried replacing that pessimistic assumption with an
> optimistic assumption, but in this case, `fun1` will turn out to
> be `@system` because of the `systemFunc()` call. But at the time
> `fun2` ends its analysis, this is completely unknown. Until
> `fun1` ends its analysis, the needed information isn't there.
> I could start by inferring `fun2` as `@safe` and then retract
> that once `fun1` finishes analysis, but currently, the compiler
> assumes a function type to be final after its body was analyzed,
> so mutating the type later is going to mess up things.
> So without re-architecturing dmd's semantic analysis, I don't see
> a way out.

I reckon while parsing a function X, you could gather any evidence
available that invalidates the inference, and in lieu of any invalidation
when you encounter Y that's not itself resolved, place a token on X that
it's waiting on Y (and another token that it's waiting on Z, etc), then
also place a token on Y and Z that says when it's finished it's own
resolution it should poke the result back to X.
What will happen then is Y may run inference and be invalidated, in which
case it reports the invalidation result back to X, and that may invalidate
a cascade of pending inferences... or it may itself not be finalised
waiting optimistically on the inference of X (or some other cycle).
At the end when everything's had a go, all outstanding tokens must be
involved in optimistic cycles since there was nothing in any of those
functions that invalidated their inferences; and since they're all
outstanding on an optimistic cycle, then I think they naturally all satisfy
eachother in the optimistic case. So just close out all outstanding tokens
in the optimistic case... does that sound right?
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