This needs to be fixed

Max Samukha maxsamukha at
Wed Aug 28 16:37:12 UTC 2024

On Sunday, 25 August 2024 at 19:40:48 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:
> FWIW with my frontend this just works:

I've always wished there'd be a way for a nested struct to access 
its parent context. Can your frontend handle something like this:

struct S2(alias instance)
     alias Outer = __traits(parent, instance);
     ref Outer outer() => *cast(Outer*)(cast(void*)&this - 

struct S
     S2!inner inner;

There's a workaround using mixins, but it's not great:

mixin template S2(string name)
     alias Outer = typeof(this);

     struct S2
         ref Outer outer() => *cast(Outer*)(cast(void*)&this - 
         void foo()
             import std.stdio;
             writeln(name, ": outer.x = ", outer.x);

     mixin("S2 ", name, ";");
     mixin("alias field = ", name, ";");

struct S
     int x;
     mixin S2!"inner";

void main()
     S s = S(42);;

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