This needs to be fixed - ref

Nick Treleaven nick at
Sat Aug 31 09:23:48 UTC 2024

On Saturday, 31 August 2024 at 06:45:00 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:
> On 8/28/24 17:19, Nick Treleaven wrote:
>>> It's astonishing that s.tupleof is a sequence of ref's as you 
>>> say...
>> BTW that was just how I understand `.tupleof`. I see it as (a 
>> superset of) a sequence of implicit ref declarations.
> Well, but that is not what it is.
> ```d
> alias Seq(T...)=T;
> struct S{
>     int x;
>     alias expand=Seq!x;
> }
> void main(){
>     S s;
>     pragma(msg,__traits(isRef,s.tupleof[0])); // false
>     pragma(msg,__traits(isSame,s.expand,s.tupleof)); // true
> }
> ```

OK, thanks. And `s.expand[0].writeln();` works too.

So the following error makes sense:

     alias x = s.expand[0];
     x.writeln(); // Error: accessing non-static variable `x` 
requires an instance of `S`

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