Phobos 3 Discussion Notes - 02-01-2024
Adam Wilson
flyboynw at
Sun Feb 4 02:25:25 UTC 2024
On Saturday, 3 February 2024 at 19:08:34 UTC, Lance Bachmeier
> It doesn't need to if only the most recent version as of the
> compiler release is supported.
This makes a number of assumptions about both the package itself
and is inherently limiting. Problems:
1. Updating a package for security/bugs/etc. now requires a
compiler update.
2. Chicken-egg problems. Compiler makes breaking change that
breaks the package, but the package maintainer cannot update the
package until after the compiler has shipped. Therefore the
package, and all of it's users, are broken for an entire release
cycle. This could theoretically be solved with extremely tight
coordination with package maintainers, but nothing in D's history
suggests that there is even a remote possibility of this
occurring on even a semi-repeatable basis. The package
maintainers are volunteers too, if they miss the deadline, broken
code ships and people yell at us for shipping broken code.
3. More chicken-egg problems. The syntax you propose implies the
execution of DUB in the background. OK, but DUB is built with
DMD, so by this design, you need DUB to pull a Phobos package to
build DUB. Yes, there are bootstrapping designs, but ask Iain or
Kinke about the bootstrapping rules for GCC or LLVM some time,
they are highly restrictive.
4. Enforces the use of DUB, no other tool/package system can be
built or substituted without changing the compiler syntax. D has
a relatively diverse build tool ecosystem, are we telling them to
just go pound sand?
5. Not all packages conform to Phobos' standards. Many
gc-allocate heavily, or use exceptions, etc. By doing this we are
explicitly telling entire groups of the D userspace that chunks
of Phobos aren't for them, but that we can't easily tell them
which chunks those are because we don't control them, so now they
have to go lobby individual maintainers to support them. The
screaming about Phobos' problems are loud enough without inviting
even more trouble by pulling in packages that were never intended
or designed to be held to Phobos' standards.
And this doesn't address the fact that the first thing the
community will ask for is the ability to specify package versions.
I can hear Atila (Mr. Build-Speed himself) warming up his fingers
from here for an explanation as to why any one of the above four
problems make this idea untenable. But all five make it a
complete non-starter with everybody who maintains the compiler. I
submit that there are more useful ways to expend energy than
pining for something that is simply never going to happen.
> This is actually a non-issue for many packages on
> I've been downloading the D source files and
> putting them in my repos for years. I specified that this would
> be for some of the popular packages, not arbitrary packages.
This implies that there are design constraints on the package
then (no dependencies?), correct?
> I actually listed multiple good reasons in my original comment,
> all of which you ignored, so I gave another.
You have correctly pointed out that I did not do a point-by-point
answer to your claims so here you go. (Relevant snippet below
with responses interspersed)
> There are good reasons to not add that stuff to Phobos.
I disagree, expanding Phobos expands the range of software that
can be built without needing DUB, thus expanding the capabilities
of software that can be built where DUB is unavailable or
untenable, while avoiding the problems listed above.
> The standard to get something in Phobos is high enough that it
> leads to a lot of wasted time for many people,
It is high, and there is a good reason for that. Phobos has to
work everywhere, it has to meet a broad variety of use case, and
user environments.
I do agree that there are adjustments that could be made. For
example, we tend to spend a lot of time on unnecessary
bikeshedding and in some cases bikeshedding is used to
intentionally stall out PRs. So one change than can be made is to
focus on more qualitative reviews and not allow bikeshedding to
stall a PR. Another, more controversial, change that I've been
considering proposing, but know is going to receive considerable
resistance, is allowing PR's that do not fulfill all the
environmental rules (like not using the GC or using exceptions)
to pass and then inviting others to modify the code to fit those
rules. This is a deeply controversial idea and the debates I've
had that only nibble at the edges of it have been ... emotional.
> it doesn't bloat the compiler download size,
Just how much does the library code add to the download though?
Most of the download size in the binaries, not the library code.
Assuming an atrocious 5:1 text-compression ratio we would have to
add 10MB of code to add just 2MB of download size. For reference,
Phobos V 2.106 is 12.6MB on my NTFS partition. We could triple
the capability of the standard library for the cost of an
additional 4MB on a 32MB installer. In this modern era of
Cable/DSL/Fiber I fail to see how an additional megabyte or two
of download size is a serious concern, especially since 10-20MB
of library code is a serious amount of additional utility that
would be available OOTB.
> it takes advantage of work that's already been done,
This is true, but is the work that's been done of the quality we
want to ship as a top-line package? Does it follow the standards
and idioms that the users of Phobos are used too?
> and it could be done quickly, rather than the years it takes to
> get stuff done otherwise.
This is likely untrue. First, even using DUB as an external
executable, you still need to teach DMD how to execute DUB and
parse the `dub -v` output. That is a non-trivial amount of work.
And we would have to figure out how this interacts with
traditional `dub` project files (if two different versions are
specified, what happens? The interactions are non-trivial and
will require significant amount of code and testing of the
compiler. Then you have to teach the library which packages are
acceptable and manually maintain lists of versions match which
> This...doesn't make sense. There was a complaint that library
> writers have to support too many compiler releases. Well,
> that's an easy problem to solve, which the open source world
> has used for decades. Just say "we only support releases X and
> Y". I even gave examples. Wouldn't take any work at all, just a
> simple management decision, done.
> Now you're telling me I should just shut up because I'm not the
> one doing any of the work that doesn't need to be done?
> I give up.
As I pointed out above, there is in fact significant work that
would need to be done.
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