[Feature Request] Keywords for symbol operators
codedan at aol.com
Mon Feb 26 10:13:15 UTC 2024
On Monday, 26 February 2024 at 03:59:00 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer
> Use ufcs:
> ```d
> bool and(bool a, bool b) => a && b;
> if(foo.and(bar))
> // compare to
> // if(foo and bar)
> ```
> -Steve
Not exactly what was asked for (keywords, like in
and C++), but thanks anyway for the idea.
module app;
import std;
alias and = (X,lazy Y) => X && Y;
alias or = (X,lazy Y) => X || Y;
alias not = (X) => !X;
void main() {
auto x = 0;
auto y = 12;
auto z = -1;
writeln( (x < 5) .and (x < 10) );
writeln( (x < 5) .or (x < 4) );
writeln( not( (x < 5) .and (x < 10) ) );
writeln("x and y and z: ", (x) .and (y) .and (z) );
writeln("x or y or z: ", (x) .or (y) .or (z) );
writeln("not x : ", not(x) );
writeln("not y : ", not(y) );
if( (x % 2 == 0) .and (x % 3 == 0) ) {
writeln("if .. and");
if( (x < 5) .or (x > 10) ) {
writeln("if .. or");
if( not(x) ) {
writeln("if .. not");
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