The forked elephant in the room

Richard (Rikki) Andrew Cattermole richard at
Wed Jan 17 16:13:27 UTC 2024

On 18/01/2024 5:02 AM, Atila Neves wrote:
>     The simple fact is, D needs people like Adam Ruppe and Sebastian
>     Wilzbach more than those people need D. D's leadership cannot afford
>     to insult and disrespect its contributors until they run out of
>     patience and leave for greener pastures. And D's leadership
>     /especially/ cannot afford to cement D in the minds of /potential/
>     contributors as a language whose leadership is disrespectful,
>     unprofessional, and frustrating to work with.
> I agree.
>     This fork should have been a wakeup call, but already, looking at
>     this thread, I can see that the wrong lessons are being learned.
> FWIW, it definitely was a wakeup call, at least for me.

To be blunt, you and Walter are never on Discord, or anywhere where 
people are normally talking socially.

In general, you're simply not active enough and on the ball about things 
to be doing the role you have.

If there is a problem you quite often don't hear about it unless it goes 
through us long timers and even then it could take months.

I personally have had problems with you not following up on things. That 
is not conducive towards getting people to contribute.

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