The forked elephant in the room

Atila Neves atila.neves at
Thu Jan 18 09:20:47 UTC 2024

On Wednesday, 17 January 2024 at 16:13:27 UTC, Richard (Rikki) 
Andrew Cattermole wrote:
> On 18/01/2024 5:02 AM, Atila Neves wrote:
>>     The simple fact is, D needs people like Adam Ruppe and 
>> Sebastian
>>     Wilzbach more than those people need D. D's leadership 
>> cannot afford
>>     to insult and disrespect its contributors until they run 
>> out of
>>     patience and leave for greener pastures. And D's leadership
>>     /especially/ cannot afford to cement D in the minds of 
>> /potential/
>>     contributors as a language whose leadership is 
>> disrespectful,
>>     unprofessional, and frustrating to work with.
>> I agree.
>>     This fork should have been a wakeup call, but already, 
>> looking at
>>     this thread, I can see that the wrong lessons are being 
>> learned.
>> FWIW, it definitely was a wakeup call, at least for me.
> To be blunt, you and Walter are never on Discord,

I've tried multiple times. There's usually 200+ unread messages 
and they keep coming in pretty quickly. I don't think I'd have 
time to read half of what ends up on Discord even if D were my 
full-time job.

> or anywhere where people are normally talking socially.

Other than Discord, where's that? And how would I find the time 
to do Discord *and* this? I'm not convinced I need to hear 
everything that's going on, but I'm open to hearing the merits. 
It's not the same thing, but CEOs aren't expected to be hanging 
around on slack either.

> If there is a problem you quite often don't hear about it 
> unless it goes through us long timers and even then it could 
> take months.

I'm not aware of any examples, but I believe you. Besides 
Discord, what do you suggest I do to avoid that in the future? 
I've been relying on Github mentions.

> I personally have had problems with you not following up on 
> things. That is not conducive towards getting people to 
> contribute.

Yes, I remember, and sorry about that again.

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