D not considered memory safe

Timon Gehr timon.gehr at gmx.ch
Sat Jul 20 16:10:25 UTC 2024

On 7/19/24 20:10, Walter Bright wrote:
> On 7/17/2024 12:17 PM, Timon Gehr wrote:
>> On 7/15/24 20:24, Walter Bright wrote:
>>> Those are good suggestions, but I've been trying to make dmd @safe 
>>> now for a while. With all the inheritance going on, and the flow 
>>> graph cycles, your suggestions are not workable.
>> What I suggested is in fact workable even for code with a big cyclical 
>> call graph.
> I am not understanding how.

You are marking functions as `pragma(local_safe)` one by one while you 
fix any errors that pop up. The code remains compilable for the entire 
time. Then once the entire cycle has been fixed, you can replace 
`pragma(local_safe)` by `@safe`.

I guess in practice you'd want some `@system` calls to be flagged while 
you port, but not others, so some design work may still be needed.

In any case, if I had to port a big codebase to `@safe`, it is likely I 
would just fork the compiler and create some tooling to help with the job.

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