Better SDLang

Guillaume Piolat at
Mon Jul 22 23:06:52 UTC 2024

On Monday, 22 July 2024 at 17:25:37 UTC, solidstate1991 wrote:
> I'm currently in the process of doing some research on what 
> kind of gripe people have with the current SDLang 
> implementation, both API and and textual representation level. 
> Then I'll design a class structure for the parsers (Yes, I'll 
> also create a more SAX-like parser too in conjunction of the 
> DOM parser).

I had such gripes today.
   - basically sdlang-d comes with dependencies, that then create 
warnings. Well I never chose to use sdlang in the first place, so 
it's annoying to get unrelated warnings on top of that :)
   - GitHub README has no parsing example to copy/paste
   - the code looks a bit less good on screen than eg. parsing 
JSON with std.json

```d = dubFile["name"].str;
     foreach(e; dubFile["versions"].array)
         if (e.str == "flobber")
             result.flobber = true;
```d = sdlFile.getTagValue!string("name");
     foreach(e; sdlFile.getTag("versions").values)
         if (e.get!string() == "flobber")
             result.flobber = true;

but I've not tried the 5(!) alternatives already on DUB.

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