Cherry on top for redub: looking for a module import analyzer

Hipreme msnmancini at
Wed Jul 24 12:29:37 UTC 2024

It is possible to make root builds way faster, specially for 
those which contains a lot of code. That being said, I would need 
an implementation of import analyzing library.

It should work as simply as: send a source file path and import 
paths then  it returns: the imported files by this file which it 
were found on:


struct SourceFile
     string importPath, string sourcePath;

SourceFile[] getDependencies(string inputFile, string[] 


If that kind of work has been done in this area, I could do an 
improvement to redub.
Keep in mind that this is not a guaranteed improvement since the 
time it needs to analyze the imports can't be greater than the 
time won by using object files.

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