enums and version/static if/"inheritance"

IchorDev zxinsworld at gmail.com
Wed Jul 31 09:23:37 UTC 2024

On Wednesday, 31 July 2024 at 06:11:15 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
> Here's the D way:
> ```
> version (x86_64)
> {
>     enum FOO
>     {
>        A = 5,
>        B = 6,
>        C = 7,
>     }
> }
> else version (AArch64)
> {
>    enum FOO
>    {
>        A = 5,
>        B = 6,
>        C = 17,
>    }
> }
> else
>     static assert(0);
> ```
> Ah, doesn't that look nicer? It's nicer because the code forms 
> a regular pattern. A regular pattern is easier to understand.

Could you please rewrite the D version of [this 
enum](https://github.com/BindBC/bindbc-glib/blob/b5b8131226f176bcd1ab68af0402c2ce984c2f64/source/glib/unicode.d#L130) to use this pattern for me? When you’re done, post it as a reply so we can see how much nicer it looks. ;)

There’s only 14 different possible versions, and each one is at 
least 67 lines long (unless you inline the enum, in which case 
you can kiss readability goodbye), so it should only be a bit 
over 1000 lines of code when you’re finished there. Compared with 
the 238 lines of my original version—which could be further 
shortened if it was using conditional compilation instead of 
meta-programming—and it might become apparent that your 
suggestion forsakes the DRY principle.

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