Lesson #100 in DLang YouTube playlist is coming -- Want to contribute what goes in?

aberba karabutaworld at gmail.com
Wed Jun 5 20:20:26 UTC 2024

On Wednesday, 5 June 2024 at 14:37:41 UTC, Mike Shah wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> My D language playlist on YouTube has just hit 100 episodes 
> (including a guest lecture from Ali and two shorts) -- hurray! 
> However, I think an 'official' 100th episode with some more 
> production is in order (Currently we're on lesson #97).
> I was hoping to center this lesson around some community 
> feedback answering (any or all of the following):
> 1. What's your favorite feature of DLang?

package/module system, ufcs/chaining, dub, foreach, and good 
parts of std.* (range, algorithm, string, conv, studio). I love 
the overall syntax and syntactic sugar implemented in D ("..", 
200_000, (){}, n.callUfcs(), etc).

> 2. Why did you choose the D programming language or what first 
> drew you in?

I came to like D as a JavaScript developer because it was 
familiar, easy to write like JavaScript, and allowed me to have 
static types + go low level when I needed to (rare use case). 
Basically a single productive language to do it all. I didn't 
have to deal with pointers and unnecessarily complicated syntax 
(e.g. I could never live with the cout syntax in C++). Basically 
a better JavaScript. D's cleaver features was also a huge selling 

Big fan of the package repository too.

> 3. One cool D Language trick/idiom you'd like to share.

I write regular obvious D code. Nothing fancy.

> 4. Why you're excited about the future of DLang

D is already complete for me. I'm looking forward to more 
cleaning up (language, std.v2), language stability and ecosystem 
improvements. More packages on dub too.

I'm not a fan of attribute salad... `fun() const @safe @live 
@nothrow scope` ... at least it shouldn't be the default. Allow 
the dev to choose the style without forcing it in their throat (a 
simple language by default). I don't dislike all attributes 
though (like in, out, ref, immutable, etc), just not a fan of 
it's overuse in D.

> 5. A cool article/resource/favorite DConf talk/blog you'd like 
> to share

I used to write articles about D on OpenSource.com until RedHat 
shut it down. Many people did like D's design and wanted to know 
more. My D article were the top read and I even got some Merch :).

> 6. A cool project you'd like to share (e-mail me images and 
> short video clips if you like!)
> 7. Something else?
> Feel free to chime in on one or all questions.
> If you want me to show your forum handle or name in the video 
> as part of the community for the submission please let me know 
> (I'll assume anonymity otherwise even if you post here).
> You can e-mail me at mikeshah at northeastern.edu otherwise if 
> there's something you want to share. I'll plan on otherwise 
> having video 100 done towards the end of the month.
> The playlist otherwise: 
> https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvv0ScY6vfd9Fso-3cB4CGnSlW0E4btJV (And good news, there's another 70-80 videos planned ... then there will probably be more 'project-based' or 'API-based' videos in separate playlists -- so plenty more to add over the years :) )

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