Talk on D at DORS/CLUC

aberba karabutaworld at
Fri May 10 13:23:01 UTC 2024

On Friday, 10 May 2024 at 08:43:14 UTC, RazvanN wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> Next week I'm going to have a talk on D at an open source 
> conference in Zagrab [1].
> This is a great opportunity to advertise D so I'm going to talk 
> about D's strength's. However, the talk is only 30 minutes in 
> length and there's a lot of things I could potentially touch on 
> - templates, dynamic arrays, safety, C interoperability etc. 
> What do you think that I should focus my talk on? Any 
> suggestions or cool D snippets are welcome.
> Regards,
> RazvanN
> [1]

A product sells more when you talk about it's impact or benefits 
to potential customer. We've been talking about the list of 
features, which we have more than any of the other languages 
making headlines, but that alone isn't a strong enough call to 

I personally would be more convinced by projects in D rather than 
JUST a list of features. Gtkd, vibe.d, severino, dub, dlib, 
dplug, bindbc-*, mir libraries, and the like. These are direct 
results of what D can and is capable of doing. Also projects that 
are as a result of D's interoperability with other languages.

Selling D by the list of features and not by it's impact IMO 
isn't a good enough strategy.

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