VisualD regressions are severe; what do we do about critical infrastructure?

Juraj junk at
Wed Oct 16 08:14:08 UTC 2024

I fully understand your frustration.
IMHO what happened is VS Code just took the oxygen out of other 
tooling projects, as "no one" is using VisualStudio anymore.
At our company VisualStudio is now used only for C#, for all 
other stuff, everyone just moved on.
The core of D tooling is DCD and I must say I am impressed how 
well it works once it is correctly set up and it handles Code 
Complete and Go To Definition pretty consistently (for a language 
with templates and mixins).

The debugger is a thought one, as slow as VS debugger is, it is 
just a good user experience, but it feels like most of D 
development is not done under Windows.
I heard RemedyBG is quite competent but I have zero experience 
with it.

On Tuesday, 15 October 2024 at 23:57:51 UTC, Manu wrote:
> The ecosystem needs to recognise the key risk projects and 
> strategically direct resources to them. Look at it from the 
> perspective of a business considering a technology commitment; 
> it's a time-bomb (as I've apparently discovered at the most 
> un-timely moment possible)... what do we do to convince 
> ourselves otherwise?

The fragmentation in D community use of editors and IDEs is very 
real, but I would expect VS Code being the better (best) out of 
the box experience. And D LSP 
[serve-d](  being the bedrock 
for most IDE plugins today.

Years ago I would state that good VisualStudio integration is 
essential for a serious language, today I am not so sure.
Of course a broken one is even worst than none.


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