VisualD regressions are severe; what do we do about critical infrastructure?

Eduard Staniloiu edi33416 at
Wed Oct 16 13:11:13 UTC 2024

On Wednesday, 16 October 2024 at 10:01:37 UTC, RazvanN wrote:
> On Tuesday, 15 October 2024 at 09:07:12 UTC, Manu wrote:

Hi Manu,

I fully agree that there is an infrastructure problem.

Why are you trying to use VisualD? I've never used it so I don't 
have experience with it, but reading between the lines (and I 
might be wrong here), does it offer a better debugging experience?

I've used code-d with VSCode and that works pretty well.

Given that you and your colleagues have tried to adopt D recently 
in the industry, could you give a list of the problems that 
you've hit? Maybe they can serve as a roadmap of pressing things 
that hinder adoption.

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