VisualD regressions are severe; what do we do about critical infrastructure?

Adam Wilson flyboynw at
Fri Oct 18 01:06:07 UTC 2024

On Tuesday, 15 October 2024 at 10:20:54 UTC, ryuukk_ wrote:
> On Tuesday, 15 October 2024 at 09:50:06 UTC, Adam Wilson wrote:
>> Got a spare 500k/USD/year? That's probably what it would take 
>> to staff the essentials.
> Typical american mindset, "we only hire people from the Bay 
> Area or Washington, and they cost us 500k USD a year, deal with 
> it", "oh we out of funds, call the VCs we need to hire 100 more 
> people"

There about half-a-dozen people who work on D part-time, 
uncompensated, on projects that are marked as critical to the 
DPL/DLF. This does not include myself. 500k is a bare-bones 
budget to support them.

Or are you suggesting that we should all give up our day jobs and 
work on D full-time and unpaid so that you can get your free 
goodies faster? Meanwhile people like Razvan are left to what ... 
starve? That seems a bit self-defeating as I've never met anybody 
capable of writing code from a coffin. Humans need to eat. Food 
is acquired through the use of something called "money". Any 
donations to projects that do not produce money are strictly on 
an "as available" basis.

Was that "typical American" jab was an attempt to make me look 
like a heartless capitalist pig? Maybe try not suggesting 
starvation as the alternative? Not a good look mate.

> Phobos 3 for example, alreay year in the works, and what's in 
> phobos 3 today? you guessed right, more templates! yay!

Was anybody under the impression that Phobos 3 was going to be 
void of templates. If so I apologize for the misleading language. 
We are hoping to reduce the template usage in a few specific 
areas, but that's about it. Templates are an immensely useful 
language feature and we're not going to deny ourselves the use of 

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