Top 3 use cases for D

Mike Shah mshah.475 at
Sun Oct 20 22:05:45 UTC 2024

On Sunday, 20 October 2024 at 20:51:41 UTC, Chris Piker wrote:
> On Saturday, 19 October 2024 at 03:13:02 UTC, Lance Bachmeier 
> wrote:
>> [...]
> Since my perspective is limited to the environments I know, and 
> I've never worked in industry, I wouldn't presume to claim any 
> expertise in that arena.
> However in academia, teams are often rather small and 
> independent work is encouraged.  A single person can 
> demonstrate something quite useful on their own volition. Since 
> demonstrating something useful often involves a GUI, it's nice 
> to have one come along for the ride.
> Almost all rapid prototyping environments provide some GUI 
> capability (ex: MATLAB) and I see engineers and students 
> whipping up reasonable tools using them all the time.  D lends 
> itself to rapid prototyping, but does not have a simple 
> included GUI lib.  While not a deal breaker, it's a hindrance.  
> Little bits of friction add up, and eventually the cart stops. 
> Conversely, little bits of thrust also add up, and thinking 
> back to my early days as a programmer, I happen to think this 
> particular addition would have helped D take off.
> Anyway, it's all academic at this point.  Right now some sort 
> of javascript bindings may be far more important since browsers 
> are everyone's favorite GUI environment, and javascript can be 
> really slow for some operations.

To some degree I thought GTK had become a default GUI library for 
many folks.

There's several tutorials here otherwise:

Perhaps something for Phobos3 to consider otherwise -- it's a big 
project, but maybe a few simple widgets to start could do the 

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