VisualD regressions are severe; what do we do about critical infrastructure?

Paulo Pinto pjmlp at
Thu Oct 24 08:11:52 UTC 2024

On Thursday, 24 October 2024 at 06:17:21 UTC, Adam Wilson wrote:
> On Thursday, 24 October 2024 at 03:58:43 UTC, Manu wrote:
>> On Tue, 22 Oct 2024 at 03:26, Chris Piker via Digitalmars-d < 
>> digitalmars-d at> wrote:
>> The problem is that there is only one maintainer. He's not 
>> interested or
>> motivated by funding in the past.
>> In order for it to have a healthier existence, it needs more 
>> than one
>> maintainer, and if another could be motivated with funding 
>> then that's
>> something, but funding needs to be specifically directed to 
>> that person.
>> There's no dlang foundation effort to try and find/fund 
>> maintainers for
>> these essential projects.
>> The interesting catch that I reckon we can see with Visual 
>> Studio, is that
>> it's usually industry professionals that are using it, and as 
>> such they are
>> less likely to have bandwidth away from their work to work on 
>> that. It's
>> not an ecosystem that lends to hobbyists so much; the overlap 
>> in the venn
>> diagram between VS users and dlang hobbyists is small.
>> Ideally, a D company that uses VS should direct one of their 
>> staff to have
>> some hours dedicated to tooling... but there aren't any such 
>> companies as
>> I'm aware?
> You are correct. If you're using all-up Visual Studio, you're 
> paying for a yearly license, and these things aren't cheap (I 
> have one, AMA). So if you're using one, you're probably very 
> invested in the MSFT ecosystem. So I have, because at work I 
> use SQL Server, Azure, and .NET Framework, in addition to .NET 
> Core and Linux.
> When you're that invested, you're probably content with C#/.NET.
> Realistically, the vast majority of our users who are going to 
> interested in LSP's and Debuggers are going to be on VS Code. I 
> know there are many Emacs and VIM users as well, but for the 
> specific purposes you're talking about the high-value impact is 
> going to be working on VS Code support.
> Is what it is. 🤷‍♂️

Additionally, with the pressure of other language ecosystems, 
game industry adoption for tooling and scripting, and now 
goverments attention on safety regulations, C#/.NET has been 
steadly improved to the point D isn't really worth looking into, 
for companies already invested into .NET ecosystem.

Sure metaprogramming is much easier in D than the pain of dealing 
with Code Generators, but that is about it, AOT is now part of 
the picture, lots of improvements for low level systems like 
programming, SIMD support, and wide adoption among key players in 
the games industry, e.g. Devil May Cry for PS5 uses a CAPCOM 
in-house engine built on a fork from .NET Core.

And regardless of Walter's opinion on C++/CLI, it is pretty much 
alive among .NET developers that need to interop with C and C++ 
code on Windows, it even handles C++20 (minus modules).

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