To Grok D

Andrea Fontana nospam at
Tue Oct 29 22:16:11 UTC 2024

On Tuesday, 29 October 2024 at 22:07:07 UTC, Bastiaan Veelo wrote:
> Recently, I started using Grok 2 (beta), the LLM that comes 
> with a Twitter Premium subscription, to have it explain things 
> in D. I am not an AI enthusiast and don't know how it compares 
> to the competition, but I find that it does a surprisingly good 
> job. When I suspect that the response is not compleet I can dig 
> deeper and usually it confirms my suggestions, with examples. I 
> haven't caught it hallucinating yet.

Download cursor ai ide (it's a fork of code) and start coding :)
Use sonnet 3.5 and a new whole world will open.


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