DIP1000 observation

Nick Treleaven nick at geany.org
Mon Sep 2 12:36:45 UTC 2024

On Monday, 2 September 2024 at 10:07:30 UTC, Sergey wrote:
> So the question is only to achieve some kind of recognition 
> from authorities, so they will consider D as a "safe language" 
> (nobody really knows what is it and at which level of safety 
> they can mark this kind of label to the language - I think 
> current language selection was kinda random).

Can you give an example of a memory-safety violation allowed in 
@safe that there is no plan to fix? There are violations in 
bugzilla, but I think we have solutions for each of them, that 
can be implemented. For a few, that will require breaking 
existing code, but we can do that with editions.

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