Disallowing S() when struct S has a constructor

Quirin Schroll qs.il.paperinik at gmail.com
Fri Sep 13 10:39:38 UTC 2024

On Sunday, 8 September 2024 at 00:00:49 UTC, Matheus Catarino 
> On Thursday, 5 September 2024 at 17:46:18 UTC, Quirin Schroll 
> wrote:
>> C++ has had default constructors forever. It’s one of the few 
>> decisions where I’m convinced that C++ got it right and D 
>> isn’t. “Variable declarations must be cheap” is a dogma that 
>> I’d expect in a language like C or Zig, not in a language like 
>> D, where frequently, safety wins over performance. The fact 
>> that I can declare a variable in D and it might not be safe to 
>> use is a problem.
> Apparently Zig is also about to adopt 
> `.init`/`.default`/`.empty` during variable declaration. Even 
> if there is no ctor/dtor (RAII).
> https://ziggit.dev/t/prefered-method-to-initialize-generalpurposeallocator/5875/13

As I read the thread, it’s specific to `GeneralPurposeAllocator` 
and other structs for which compile-time default initialization 
can’t be done. Zig’s `init` is a fully formed object that is a 
run-time-initialized value specifically crafted for each type 
that has it, very much unlike D’s `init`s.

Part of Zig’s dogma is that everything that happens has to be 
explicit. Technically, there are no destructors in Zig, just 
functions you’re supposed to call after an object isn’t needed 
anymore, which you normally do using `defer`. The difference is, 
every use of an object requires a `defer deinit();`, i.e. there 
is no implicit destructor call. In D, we’re comfortable with 
destructors and other implicit stuff, so a declaration implicitly 
calling a default constructor is very much in line with what D 
does elsewhere. It’s not even close to being that implicit as a 
destructor call, actually.

“Make interfaces easy to use correctly and hard to use 
incorrectly.” ―Scott Meyers 

A struct type for which `S s; s.f();` doesn’t really work, but `S 
s = S(); s.f();` is bad design.

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