Meaningful identifiers and other multi-token keywords

Richard (Rikki) Andrew Cattermole richard at
Wed Sep 25 01:14:19 UTC 2024

On 25/09/2024 8:37 AM, Quirin Schroll wrote:
> The same with |extern(C)| – it will never be seen as anything but a 
> linkage. It’s a multi-token keyword.

I'm not sure this one is a good idea.

Not all linkages can be done i.e. C++ has namespace.

So it is moving one behavior that has no special casing, into another 
place that would require special casing and will slow things down.

Overall I'm convinced that given how the lexer works, that this isn't a 
path we should be going down. Its done the way it is for a reason.

I would expect that any changes down this path to slow down all 
identifiers for very little value.

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