What’s up with v2.110?

Jonathan M Davis newsgroup.d at jmdavisprog.com
Mon Feb 17 18:29:52 UTC 2025

On Monday, February 17, 2025 6:13:17 AM MST Quirin Schroll via Digitalmars-d wrote:
> I don’t want to be that guy again, but v2.110 was supposed to be
> released Feb. 1, so is it Ian not being available still?

He did finally get to working on the release, but the switch from bugzilla
to github issues got in the way, because the script that generates the
changelog no longer worked properly, and the initial attempt to fix it
included all of the PRs from github in addition to the issues rather than
just the fixed issues. So, that needs to be sorted out, and I'm not sure
where that currently stands at present, but it was brought up in the DLF
meeting earlier this month, and Robert is aware of what needs to be done.
So, it'll probably happen soon, but I don't know when exactly.

I also don't know if that's the only issue remaining which blocks the
release or not, but there is a DMD Beta 2.110.0-rc.1 available for download
on dlang.org.

- Jonathan M Davis

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