Godbolt.org hex view

Walter Bright newshound2 at digitalmars.com
Sat Jan 25 02:55:35 UTC 2025

On 1/24/2025 6:39 PM, Richard (Rikki) Andrew Cattermole wrote:
> Under the compiler/target drop down button.

There is no Compiler/target button. But there is a dialog box with "ARM64 GCC 

> There is a drop down button called Output.

There's one with a gear on it that has:

- Compile to binary object (greyed out)
- Execute the code (greyed out)
X Intel asm syntax (greyed out)
X Demangle identifiers

With the first 3 options greyed out.

Now, merely changing the target to "armv8-a clang (trunk)":

- Compile to binary object (greyed out)
X Link to binary
- Execute the code
X Intel asm syntax
X Demangle identifiers

and the hex code appears. All I did was change the compiler and target.

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