First Draft: Coroutines

Richard (Rikki) Andrew Cattermole richard at
Mon Aug 5 10:30:24 UTC 2024

On 05/08/2024 10:17 PM, ryuukk_ wrote:
> C#'s async model is not an example to follow, your |Future!T| is the proof
> There should be no distinction between an async/sync function

I started with the position that the compiler should be able to do it 
completely transparently to the user. It failed. Too many holes in it. 
It was not implementable at all.

This is why I had to remove synchronous function support out of the DIP, 
because it would do the wrong thing guaranteed.

Also the ``Future`` type in the DIP is a library type, the DIP itself 
does not introduce it. But it is something I know works, as I have it 
implemented already.

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