Null-checked reference types

Quirin Schroll at
Tue Aug 6 14:55:46 UTC 2024

### Proposal for types

Add the following type suffixes to the language: `?` and `!`.

For every reference type (definition excludes slices, see below) 
`T`, the meaning of `T!` is “non-nullable `T`” and the meaning of 
`T?` is “nullable `T`”, and `T` without suffix means either `T?` 
or `T!` depending on context. For every non-reference type, `T!` 
is a synonym for `T`; there is `T?` added for an optional type 
with the same values as `T` plus a dedicated `null` value.

Naturally, `T!` converts to `T?` implicitly, but for `T?` to 
`T!`, an explicit cast is required and that cast is `@system`.

Multiple suffixes are allowed: `T?!` is `T!` and `T!?` is `T?`. 
That is, later `!` or `?` override any previous ones.

Every lexical use of a reference type without `?` or `!` appended 
is equivalent to one of them, depending on the module’s default. 
The module’s default is either specified (`default null module 
m;` or `default !null module m;`) or is the language’s default 
(which depends on the Edition).

In class member functions, `this` has `!` type.

Any operation that requires a value of type `T?` to be non-null 
is a compile-time error.

Add operators for null-respecting access: `?.`, `?(…)` (call if 
not null), `?[…]` (index if not null), `?=` (assign if null).

For `if (auto x = expr)` and `if (T! x = expr)` if `expr` is of 
type `T?`, `x` infers type `T!` and contrary to normal variable 
definitions, in an `if` or `while` condition, `T?` implicitly 
converts to `T!`.

To wrap the rest of the function in the *then* block of such an 
`if` statement, add `if (auto x = expr) ... else …` to the 
language. The `...` is part of the core syntax and is intended to 
be read as “whatever follows next.” The `else` branch is 
mandatory, and its `…` means any statement or a possibly empty 
block. However, for an `else` block that would be `{ bool f = 
false; assert(f); }`, add `assert(auto x !is expr)` to the 
language. (Note that `assert(0)` as special semantics and isn’t 
equivalent to a failed assertion.) Assert with declaration 
enforces non-null for a possibly null value.

No data flow analysis is proposed. Null checking is local and 
done by tracking `?` and `!` by the type system.

### Proposal for `ref`

The most difficult one is `ref`. `ref` parameters and variables 
are assumed to be non-null, i.e. for `ref x`, `&x` should not be 
`null`. To allow for null references, add `ref?`.

Non-null enforcement of `ref` should be done even in the current 
edition to some degree. My bet is not a single D program ever 
correctly expected and handled a `ref` returning function 
returning a null reference. One would have to take the address of 
the result and test that pointer for null. No-one does that, 
except some people toying around with the edges of the language 
intentionally used `ref` with null.

In the current Edition, because `T*` is `T*?`, a dereferenced 
pointer is a possibly null reference. Binding one by `ref` would 
be an error. For this special case, I propose to allow it 
instead, as some programs would be full of errors (or deprecation 
warnings) otherwise.

### Reference types

In this DIP Idea, reference types are:
- Pointer types
- Class / interface types
- Associative array types
- Function pointer types
- Delegate types

Slice types are not reference types in this logic because null 
slices are equivalent to an empty slices for the most part.

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