First Draft: Callback For Matching Type

Quirin Schroll at
Mon Jun 24 18:20:36 UTC 2024

On Saturday, 22 June 2024 at 21:02:34 UTC, Richard (Rikki) Andrew 
Cattermole wrote:
> This proposal is a subset of matching capabilities to allow for 
> tagged unions to safely access with language support its values 
> and handle each tag.
> Some minor things have been changed from the ideas thread, I 
> have changed the match block to be a declaration block to allow 
> for ``static foreach`` and other conditional compilation 
> language features. So it is now using semicolon instead of 
> colon.
> ```d
> alias MTU = MyTaggedUnion!(int, float, string);
> MTU mtu = MTU(1.5);
> mtu.match {
> 	(float v) => writeln("a float! ", v);
> 	v => writeln("catch all! ", v);
> };
> ```
> Ideas thread: 
> Latest: 
> Permanent: 

I guess I have implemented something like that:

If I understand you correctly, we share the vision of a tagged 
union (I call them enum unions) as a type with certain members 
(duck typing), not the instance of a particular template.

But that’s where it seems our views diverge. In my 
implementation, the tag also allows distinct same-type options. 
(Options are discerned by tag, not by type.)

A type with the appropriate members is (usually) generated by 
mixing in a given mixin template (`EnumUnion`) which takes one 
parameter of struct type (usually a small private struct named 
`Impl`) and uses its data members (types and names) for types and 
tags. (I used to have `EnumUnion` take an array of string for 
names and a type tuple for types, but those get really long 
really fast and error messages become incomprehensible name–type 

Example time! Let’s say we want simple expression parsing where 
an expression is a constant, a variable, a unary minus 
expression, or a binary plus or times expression.

class Expr
     struct Binary { Expr lhs, rhs; }
     private static struct Impl
         int constant;
         string variable;
         Expr minus;
         Binary plus, times;
     mixin EnumUnion!Impl;
     // Provides: Constructors, a destructor if needed (not this 
     // eponymous accessors (@safe get and @system set), @system 
     // and some other stuff with two underscores in front.
* `constant`, `variable`, etc. getters return the 
constant/variable/… if the option is active, otherwise 
`assert(0)` with error message.
* `constant`, `variable`, etc. setters make the 
constant/variable/… option active and assign a value. (@system)

Among the other stuff:
* `__is_constant`, `__is_variable`, etc. return a boolean if the 
option is active.
* `__as_constant`, `__as_variable`, etc. return a pointer to the 
mentioned option if it’s active, or `null`. Essentially a safe 
cast. Similar to `key in aa` for associative array lookup.
* `__unsafe_constant`, `__unsafe_variable`, etc. return a 
reference, checked by an `in` contract. (@system)

We’re not done! Because enum unions aren’t simply instances of a 
template, but just duck-typed stuff, enum union types can be 
classes or structs depending on your needs and can have 
additional members!

class Expr

     int eval(int[string] context) => this.matchOrdered!(
         (constant) => constant,
         (variable) => context[variable],
         (minus)    => -minus.eval(context),
         (plus)     => plus.lhs.eval(context) + 
         (times)    => times.lhs.eval(context) * 

What is `matchOrdered`? A template defined in the same module as 
`EnumUnion`. It *requires* that all cases be handled (no 
default/catch-all) and in order of tags, that is, if you swap 
`(constant) => constant,` and `(variable) => context[variable],` 
you get an error. You do get the error because the parameter and 
tag names don’t line up, not because of a coincidental type 

There is also `match` which also requires all cases be handled 
but in any order. Handlers are inspected for the names of their 
parameters, get reordered, and passed to `matchOrdered`. 
Generally, use `matchOrdered` as you get better diagnosis.

There are also `matchOrderedDefault` and `matchDefault` which 
consider their last argument a default/catch-all handler.

Tags are also used for construction (named parameters). If, by 
types, construction is ambiguous, a tag can be used to clarify:

void main() @safe
     // Build (-2) * 1 + (-x)
     immutable Expr expr = new Expr(plus: Expr.Binary(
         new Expr(times: Expr.Binary(
             new Expr(-2),
             new Expr(1)
         new Expr(minus: new Expr("x"))
     import std.stdio;
     writeln(expr, " = ", expr.eval(["x": 1]));

For `plus` and `times`, tags are required as they’re 
indistinguishable otherwise. For `minus`, the tag is optional, 
but helps understanding what’s built. For variables and 
constants, tags aren’t used in the example.

You could use enum unions to back sum types:
struct SumType(Ts...)
     private static struct Impl
         static foreach (i, alias T; Ts)
             mixin("T field", cast(int) i, ";");
     mixin EnumUnion!Impl;

 From what I see, you want to make `match` an intrinsic, and TBH, 
the value of
x.match {
     // handlers
     // handlers
is negligible.

The value of being a first-class language construct is similar to 
the `foreach` → `opApply` lowering: `return` and other 
control-flow statements in the handlers could get lowered some 
way. Allowing that for arbitrary lambdas would be powerful and 
essentially allow programmers to implement custom control-flow 

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