Improvements to switch

Chloé chloekek at
Sun Apr 28 09:31:40 UTC 2024

On 4/28/24 01:58, Basile B. wrote:
> On Saturday, 27 April 2024 at 14:58:19 UTC, IchorDev wrote:
>> On Tuesday, 16 April 2024 at 16:00:48 UTC, Basile B. wrote:
>>> About this, the main point is rather
>>> ```d
>>> /*-->*/ const /*<--*/ int myvalue = switch(code) {
>>>     // ...
>>> };
>>> ```
>>> "ah finally you can define a const var decl that relies on branching" 
>>> (without using the conditional expression...)
>> You can already do that.
>> ```d
>> const string myValue = (){
>>     switch(code){
>>         case 1:    return "what";
>>         case 2, 3: return "ok";
>>         default:   return "no";
>>     }
>> }();
> Sure but the matching AST is unnecessarily complex. A function literal, 
> plenty of return statements, at least 1 capture. Consequently the path 
> borrowed by the compiler is much more complex, it has to do things that 
> would not be done with the expression: return type inference, block 
> exits, etc. Then without optimizations enabled that does not have the 
> equivalent runtime performances.

Specifically promoting switch to an expression would be a wasted 
opportunity to generalize this to other types of statements, such as try 

Here are some examples in pseudo-D of how that could be useful. In these 
examples, a hypothetical do keyword could prefix any statement and turn 
it into an expression, and a yield statement would provide the result of 
evaluating that expression:

     // no need to (default-)initialize file first
     auto file = do try {
         yield open(path);
     } catch (ErrnoException ex) {
         if (ex.errno == ENOENT)
             return;  // return from caller
         throw ex;
     // use file without catching ErrnoException

Or foreach statements:

     const value = do {
         foreach (item; someOpApplyStruct)
             if (f(item))
                 yield item;
         throw new NotFoundError;

If the do-ed statement would run off the end (as with a non-void 
function lacking a return statement) that would be an error.

Besides initializing variables, another advantage of promoting 
statements to expressions directly instead of through a called lambda is 
that you can have control flow out of the expression into another 
statement, such as by break, continue, or return statements.

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