Extending D's support for object-oriented design with private(this)

NotYouAgain NotYouAgain at gmail.com
Mon Apr 29 23:45:24 UTC 2024

On Monday, 29 April 2024 at 23:31:55 UTC, NotYouAgain wrote:

"The goal is to give the programmer the tools to do what he needs 
to do, rather than a bunch of red tape to dictate what he cannot 
do.  That's why we have @trusted, @system, and even asm.  The 
programmer is responsible for making sane architectural decisions 
with the tools he is given, rather than being told what (not) to 
do within the confines of his cell. "
- H. S. Teoh


private(this) is a tool for the programmer - a tool the D 
designers seems to insist he never gets his hands on. (or her, 
.., ...., if the case may be).

Why *so many* are **so strongly** against this particular tool, 
is rather bewildering.

Surely its not just because there is an alternative, but very 
burdensome tool available (the one-module per ..everything.. 

I think its more likely, there is some philosophical, principled 
postion they want to hang on to. Perhaps even something they 
really hate (like those that hate oop in general, and despise the 
fact the D says it supports it - I can point out some of those 
people if you want - one even inserted himself in this discuss, 
which ensured this discussion would go off track..yet again).

I cannot think of any other reasons for such strong, consistent, 

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