Detached unit tests

Steven Schveighoffer schveiguy at
Tue Apr 30 17:02:51 UTC 2024

I want to propose that we provide a mechanism to semantically 
detach unit tests from the scope they are written in. Such 
unittests would be treated as if they were not in the same scope 
or module. This includes detached unit tests inside templates. 
The only stipulation is that the current module is assumed 

For a strawman syntax, let's do what everyone does ... overload 

import std.stdio;

// static unittests help validate API does not include private 
struct S
    private int x;
    unittest {
      auto s = S(42);; // ok, this is not a detached unittest

    static unittest {
      auto s = S(23);
      //s.x == 23; // error, x not visible

private void foo(S s) {
    assert(s.x == 42);

static unittest {
    auto s = S(42);
    //; // error, foo not visible.

// static unittests help with documentation on templated types
struct Arr(T) {
    private T[] arr;
    void append(T val) {
       arr ~= val;
    static unittest {
      // Arr arr; // Error, you are not in this scope, so Arr is 
an uninstantiated template
      Arr!int arr; // ok
      import std.stdio; // must re-import things as if you weren't 
in this module
      // writeln(arr.arr); // nope, this is a private member
      writeln(arr.getArray()); // must use public API
    T[] getArray() => arr;




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