DIP: @mustuse as function return value annotation

mw mingwu at gmail.com
Sun Aug 11 23:55:53 UTC 2024


# DIP: @mustuse as function return value annotation

There are two scenarios we need to handle:

- existing legacy library code, which the programmer has no right 
to modify
- new code, which the programmer has full control from the root 
of the inheritance tree

## @mustuse is neither covariant nor contravariant, it is 

@mustuse as a function attribute only enforces there must be a 
receiver of the function call result, and do not throw away
the returned result. It has nothing to do with the (sub-)types of 
the returned value.

Let's consider the following example:
abstract class AbsPaths {
   // no annotation
   abstract AbsPaths remove(int i);  // return an AbsPaths object 
with i-th element removed

class ImperativePaths : AbsPaths {  // will modify `this` object 
   // no @mustuse annotation, with the implicit assumption that 
the caller will continue to use `this` object
   override AbsPaths remove(int i) {
     ... // remove the i-th element of `this` object
     return this;

class FunctionalPaths : AbsPaths {  // will NOT modify `this` 
object, but return new (separate) object on modification
   @mustuse  // should have this annotation
   override AbsPaths remove(int i) {
     AbsPaths other = new ImmutablePaths();
     ...  // `other` is the object with the i-th element of `this` 
object being removed; `this` object did not change
     return other;

void main() {
   AbsPaths paths = new ImperativePaths();  // or 
FunctionalPaths() interchangeably
   AbsPaths shortPaths = paths.remove(i);   // and this line 
should always work, as long as the return value is not discarded
Here both `ImperativePaths` and `FunctionalPaths` inherit from 
`AbsPaths`, if one branch has @mustuse and the other one
does not, and the programmer is not forced to explicitly take the 
return value and use it, these two derived classes cannot be used
interchangeably. And even worse: in the case of FunctionalPaths, 
the result will be totally wrong
([the OP author's 

### @mustuse propagation: transitive closure
In the following class inheritance tree:
|         |         |
Derived1  Derived2  Derived3 <-user only manually marked 
Derived3.remove() as @mustuse here
|         |         |
GrandDr1  GrandDr2  GrandDr3
If the programmer only manually marked Derived3.remove() as 
@mustuse, then everything else (Base, Derived1, Derived2,
Derived3, GrandDr1, GrandDr2 GrandDr3, ...)'s .remove() method 
will all become @mustuse (as seen by the compiler internally).

With transitive closure @mustuse rule,


1. the method interface is consistent, e.g. at any call-site of 
`AbsPaths.remove(i)`, its return value must be received.
the programmer only need to remember one interface, instead of 
looking through docs/code for all the branches in the
inheritance tree, and check for a particular class, whether its 
`remove(i)` method is @mustuse or not.
2. the programmer can easily switch between different derived 
implementation classes of AbsPaths to maximize efficiency /
performance, without worrying about potential breakage.


1. a few more key-strokes on every call-site of @mustuse marked 

## Prior work

[Paul Backus 

>In other words, you cannot introduce @mustuse in a derived 
>class; it must be present in the base class.
>This is somewhat problematic for D, because we have a universal 
>base class, Object, and neither it nor any of its methods are 

His reasoning is logically correct by itself, with the constraint 
that legacy code is un-modifiable.
However, his proposal is not very useful because of the 

1. it won't help the existing library code where there is no 
@mustuse presence today. But, **these library code are WHERE the 
want the compiler help most**,  as demonstrated by the OP user 
who brought up this issue on the forum. (This is also why Paul 
talked about
`class Object`, although it's not a very good example; instead we 
can think about `std.lib.AbsPath` example above).
2. if the new rule have to fully honor the legacy (with 
deficiency) code, how we can improve for future D?
Also honoring legacy code, does not mean we should not even check 
for potential problems.
Even typically we cannot modify the the legacy code, at least we 
want the compiler help to check where are the potential problems
are; the compiler can give warning messages, and if they are 
manually verified, these findings should be formally
logged as bugs, and be fixed in the next release.
3. and if we follow this line of reasoning, it also beg the 
question: whether one can remove @mustuse in a derived class.
E.g. let ImperativePaths (mutable implementation) inherit
from FunctionalPaths (immutable implementation), and the caller 
can just use the `this` object as the result of the computation. 
this logic is correct by itself, but it make the whole code base 
brittle: what if the library author decided later one day that 
s/he want to
modify the class ImperativePaths again to implement another 
immutable implementation?

## Introduce two variants: @mustuse and @mustuse_remedy_legacy

1. @mustuse_remedy_legacy: this annotation is to allow programmer 
flag existing legacy library code that s/he has no
right to change, but want to set a flag and let the compiler to 
help to find violations; the compiler only output warnings
instead of errors. This annotation will be implicitly propagated 
by the compiler throughout the whole inheritance tree.

2. @mustuse: proper, the default. For programmer to use in new 
code, or library code s/he can change (from the root of the
inheritance tree). Violations of this annotation will cause 
compiler error. This annotation must be explicit (just as the 


a) in both cases, this function property will be transitive 
closure, i.e. be propagated upwards and downwards, in all 

b) in both cases, removing the annotation is not allowed in the 
derived class if any supper class method carry such annotation.

Actually this rule is very simple: there is only *one* consistent 
interface for any method, @mustuse is part of that method 
for legacy code, @mustuse_remedy_legacy will cause compiler to 
generate warning message, and for new code @mustuse will cause
the compiler to generate error message. That's all.

### @mustuse_remedy_legacy for legacy code base and pre-built 
Let's revisit the motivating example:
paths.remove(i); // compiles fine but does nothing
paths = paths.remove(i); // works - what I erroneously thought 
the previous line was doing

Suppose the `paths`' type is `AbsPaths`, and the programmer have 
no right to modify it (e.g. in std.lib, or even pre-built 
the compiler can only issue warning (instead of error) messages. 
But the programmer must be made aware of where
these potential problems are located.

And, once the programmer discovered one such misuse problem, s/he 
can try to find and fix all such potential problems by defining
a helper `class RemedyPaths` as follows:
// class Paths is located in the source file that the programmer 
has no right to modify
class RemedyPaths : std.lib.AbsPaths {  // helper class to trace 
all the occurrences of the @mustuse violation
   override Paths remove(int i) {return null;}
and the compiler will find out all the occurrences of the same 
issues in the code visited by the compilation, and issue
warnings (not errors), so the programmer have a chance to visit 
all the code locations where `remove(i)`'s function
return value are discarded.

### Informative detailed compiler warning messages

Since this kind of warning message is transitive closure by 
design, so for the *implicit* markings made by the
compiler: as a debugging aid the warning message should indicate 
the **originating source of the annotation**
to make it clear to the programmers, e.g.:
warning: std.lib.foo.d:123, AbsPaths.remove(int i)'s return value 
is discarded, violates the originating
annotation from user.codebase.RemedyPaths.d:456 

### Summary
With universal (i.e. transitive closure) @mustuse,

1. when the library author has decided to return a value from a 
function, typically it's represent the computation result or 
status report,
which the function caller should either use or check instead of 
discard. That is good engineering practice. It forces the 
to pay attention to the returned value, instead of assuming the 
semantics of the function e.g. based purely on the function name.
   ResultType result = someFunction();
   ... // use or check `result`
it will save lots of debugging time, at the expense of just a few 
more key-strokes.

2. the library author can implement both ImperativePaths and 
FunctionalPaths, and the library users can choose
them interchangably for the maximal efficiency / performance 
without worrying about code breakage.

## History: command query separation principle

Not discarding function return value has its root from the 
command query separation principle.
As an informal exercise: let's derive command query separation 
principle from DbC.

The contract in DbC mostly exhibits as assertions in the code.

The programmer can insert assertions at any place of the code, 
without changing the code's original semantics (i.e the behavior 
when the assertions are turned-off, e.g. in release mode). In an 
OOP language, most of the time the assertions are checking some 
properties of an object, hence any method that can be called in 
an assertion must be a query (i.e a query can be called on an 
object for any number times without changing that object's 
internal state). So now we have query method.

But we do need to change an object's state in imperative 
programming, then those methods are classified as commands. After 
changing an object state, the command must NOT return any value. 
Why? because otherwise, the programmer may accidentally want to 
call that command and check the returned value in some assertions 
... then you know what happens in the end: the program behaves 
differently when assertions are turn on in debug mode and off in 
release mode.

Therefore, we have this:

> every method should either be a command that performs an 
> action, or a query that returns data to the caller, but not 
> both.

## References:
- [Liskov substitution 
- [Command query separation 
- [@mustuse 

previous discussion:


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