DIP: @mustuse as function return value annotation

mw mw at gmail.com
Mon Aug 12 08:58:37 UTC 2024

On Monday, 12 August 2024 at 08:36:36 UTC, Richard (Rikki) Andrew 
Cattermole wrote:

>>> Can we write the ASTree to temporary files, or a daemon 
>>> process? so the calculated global annotation can be shared by 
>>> later compilation process.
>> This has been discussed a lot of times in the past including 
>> for the benefit to performance.
>> Also no, we cannot use a daemon process for this. The multiple 
>> compiler invocations may not be on the same machine, or 
>> started by the same person.

Well, the daemon process can be made to accept RPC calls.

>> Unfortunately the only option is to either disallow adding it 
>> to classes, or disallow casting upwards, I am unaware of any 
>> other solution to this.
> Oh and you can also disallow overriding functions that don't 
> have it, and then adding it. That'll also work!

No, I don't want to compromise the design logic, just because 
there are some (non overcomable) implementation constraints.

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