directional quotes

monkyyy crazymonkyyy at
Mon Aug 12 18:30:02 UTC 2024

Ascii deprecated several marks of english grammar to fit into 7 
bits, one of these features was the directional quotes and so c 
had to make strings with single quotes and rules about escaping. 
We are no longer c and its no longer the 60's.

Imagine making a 1 char typo of escape characters when making a 
deeply nested strings for mixins.

I'd suggest "heavy double comma" as its visibly distinct in 3 
monospace fonts I checked

  ❝ ❞

U+275D U+275E

I believe all directional quote schemes will require users to add 
custom xmodmap to type or ide plugins so I believe monospace font 
behavoir so be the primary concern.

A directional quoted string should have the simplest parsing rule 
of it counts up on U+275D and down at U+275E and returns when its 
0; all other escapes and characters are ignored.

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