Transition to @safe by default
Quirin Schroll at
Wed Aug 14 21:26:17 UTC 2024
On Tuesday, 13 August 2024 at 20:24:17 UTC, Mike Shah wrote:
> On Tuesday, 13 August 2024 at 15:44:45 UTC, Quirin Schroll
> wrote:
>> Best one yet:
>> extern(C) int f() @trusted("Implementation is marked @safe");
> If I own the implementation, is this possible? Call to f()
> would be ambiguous (See below example).
> I think I get your sentiment though :) The 'reason' provided
> could be totally bogus -- BUT it will at least stand out for
> folks aiming for 100% @safe code.
> Providing some mechanism to users to indicate if @trusted is
> being used as a bridge between @safe and @system code (intended
> use), or if @trusted is merely being used a temporary fix until
> you refactor cycles later could be useful.
> I suppose you could also add your own User Defined Attribute
> (UDA) to indicate the state of the functions "safeness" as well
> though (e.g. @trusted int f() @("safe_eventually");) -- but
> that doesn't seem very robust.
> ```
> 1 import std.stdio;
> 2
> 3 extern(C) int f() @trusted;
> 4
> 5 @safe int f(){
> 6 return 42;
> 7 }
> 8
> 9 void main(){
> 10 f();
> 11 }
> safe.d(10): Error: `safe.f` called with argument types `()`
> matches both:
> safe.d(3): `safe.f()`
> and:
> safe.d(5): `safe.f()`
> Failed: ["/usr/bin/dmd", "-v", "-o-", "safe.d", "-I."]
> ```
--- x.d
import std.stdio;
extern(C) void f() @safe {
writeln("Hello World!");
--- y.d
extern(C) void f() @trusted;
void main()
You can try it on
Of course you can't overload `extern(C)` functions *in the same
module,* but you can have a prototype in one module and the
implementation in another. Marking non-`extern(D)` prototypes as
`@safe` should not be allowed and is frowned upon by me and
others as the compiler has no safeguards against getting it
wrong, i.e. having a `@system` implementation. For `extern(D)`,
attributes are part of mangling, so if you're getting those
wrong, at least the linker errors.
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