Quirin Schroll
qs.il.paperinik at gmail.com
Wed Jul 3 10:43:14 UTC 2024
Index operators (e.g. `obj[i]`) have special overloads so that
they hook assignment: `obj[i] = rhs` lowers to
`obj.opIndexAssign(rhs, i)`. Why not back-port this to
dereferencing? `*obj` lowers to `obj.opUnary!"*"`, which, to be
assignable, must return by reference. Why not add
`opUnaryAssign(string op)` which can hook, in principle, `+obj =
rhs`, `-obj = rhs`, `~obj = rhs`, `*obj = rhs`, `++obj = rhs`,
and `--obj = rhs` (of which I expect only `*obj = rhs` to be used
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