Martin Nowak is officially MIA

Meta jared771 at
Mon Jul 8 21:13:10 UTC 2024

On Wednesday, 3 July 2024 at 10:25:14 UTC, Quirin Schroll wrote:
> A dollar identifier is an 
> [*`Identifier`*]( 
> with a `$` at the end. In a code-generating construct (mixed-in 
> `mixin template` and `static foreach`/`static foreach_reverse`) 
> the `$` is replaced by a number.
> For a loop, it is the index of iteration.
> For a mixin template, it is the number of mixin templates mixed 
> in up until this point.
> ---
> ### Example: loop
> ```d
> enum xs = ["A", "BC", "DEF"];
> static foreach (x; xs)
> {
>     size_t l = x.length; // Error on "BC" and "DEF", already 
> defined.
> }
> ```
> ```d
> enum xs = ["A", "BC", "DEF"];
> static foreach (x; xs)
> {
>     size_t l$ = x.length; // Good: becomes `l0`, `l1`, `l2`
> }
> ```
> ### Example: mixin template
> ```d
> mixin template mixMeIn(T)
> {
>     alias R = int delegate(T);
> }
> struct S
> {
>     mixin mixMeIn!int; // Okay
>     mixin mixMeIn!int; // Error, `R` already defined
> }
> ```
> ```d
> mixin template mixMeIn(T)
> {
>     alias R$ = int delegate(T);
> }
> struct S
> {
>     mixin mixMeIn!int; // Okay, defines `R0`
>     mixin mixMeIn!int; // Okay, defines `R1`
> }
> ```

This is more or less equivalent to Timon's proposal of __local 
variables in static foreach loops. See

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