D Editions

Richard (Rikki) Andrew Cattermole richard at cattermole.co.nz
Mon Jun 3 04:48:47 UTC 2024

I've gone through this with Adam already.

What he is seeing is related to interdependencies of different aspects 
to the ecosystem and he is very much correct about this. I saw this 
myself many years ago.

However the terminology and language he uses is different than what we 
are using so it may appear he is talking wild when in fact it is a 
matter of recognizing dependencies and putting things in a better place.

Ultimately we have a ton of technical debt, the entire TypeInfo 
hierarchy doesn't have a purpose for example. The GC certainly doesn't 
need it, it could work 100% with just a by-value struct.

Which leads to the interesting discussion of how to handle its removal 
wrt. editions. My general conclusion there is to use shims that are 
do-nothing long term but keep code compiling and then deprecate in like 
10 years.

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