Fixing tail mutable TLS/field initializers

Nick Treleaven nick at
Fri Jun 7 11:05:03 UTC 2024

int[] x = [1, 2, 3];
The above is really like:
__gshared gsx = [1, 2, 3];
int[] x = gsx;
Except that lowering is not valid D, because gsx 'cannot be read 
at compile time'.

So if one thread mutates `x[0]`, even though `x` is thread-local, 
existing and new threads will get their `x[0]` contents mutated 
too (assuming `x` still points to the initializer data).

Note that any tail mutable initializer has the same problem, not 
just array literals.

It gets worse with an aggregate type T field initializer - a 
mutable instance can mutate the initializer contents of an 
`immutable T` instance field:

The immutable violation problem must be fixed. There are 2 
solutions for that proposed:

* Timon (in 2013): Having two versions of the initializer, one 
for mutable field instances in the writable data segment and one 
for immutable field instances in the non-writable data segment. 
Possibly this solution could cause subtle issues, like not 
allowing a temporary unique mutable instance to be cast to 
immutable (e.g. pure factory functions).

* Walter: Disallowing constructing an `immutable(T)` if it has 
fields pointing to mutable initializers. Instead, use 
`cast(immutable)` on a new instance, which is not allowed in 
@safe code. This could mean such library types not unit tested 
with immutable won't work with immutable in user code, that 
otherwise could do (bug-prone, but possible to use correctly).

Neither of these attempt to solve the problem of accidental 
mutation of a field when the programmer does not expect the 
initializer to be shared across instances. That is something that 
gets discovered repeatedly (e.g. 
[yesterday]( And has been filed as a bug many times (see duplicates and duplicates of duplicates!):

Given that we will have editions, ideally we would disallow any 
tail mutable initializer for both fields and thread-local 
variables. They are bug-prone - use a constructor instead if a 
unique initializer is intended.

One reason why we might not want to disallow them is if it makes 
porting existing code to the next edition too awkward. So we 
would need to investigate that.

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