idea for Native D Tuple Syntax, packing and unpacking

Kindly Doright kindly.doright at
Sun Jun 23 04:10:35 UTC 2024

// idea for Native D Tuple Syntax, packing and unpacking
// (for simplicty of compiler internals and identifiable language 
... for your kind consideration and peaceful inspiration.
--->> from an IT veteran of 43 years and 30+ programming languages

// #() = #();
#(a, b, c, d) = #(1, 'strval', [1,2,3], true);

// myTuple = #(values); #(values) = myTuple;
auto y = #(1, 'strval', [1,2,3], true);
#(a, b, c, d) = y;

// Optional unpack assignment
#(a) =  #(1, 'strval', [1,2,3], true); // a = 1
#(, b, , d) =  #(1, 'strval', [1,2,3], true); // b = 'strval, d = 

// Embedded Tuple Syntax
#(a, b, c, d, eee) = #(1, 'strval', [1,2,3], true, #(5, 'str2'));
#(f, g) = eee; // f = 5, g = 'str2'

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