Private symbol (in)visibility within a module

NotYouAgain NotYouAgain at
Sun May 5 08:01:12 UTC 2024

On Sunday, 5 May 2024 at 07:51:00 UTC, NotYouAgain wrote:
> ..

ok... I can't resist this one either:

"Private inside a module must mean what the person on the street 
thinks. No visibility outside the module at all. There are no two 
ways about it."  - Andrei Alexandrescu$1v89$

Of course that issue has since been fixed, thankfully.


Took a while though :-(

But I have to wonder why Andrei's didn't apply the exact same 
logic to what private at the class/struct level means to the 
person on the street. No visibility outside of the class/struct.

If I take his argument to where it should logically lead, then 
you will likely end up with a proposal for private(this), or a 
proposal for Swift like accessbility (fileprivate and private).

I much prefer the later, as it make far more sense.

On the otherhand, private(this) won't break anything, which is 
what will certainly be on people's mind.

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