Imperative Templates

monkyyy crazymonkyyy at
Wed May 8 14:56:37 UTC 2024

Allow saner escape hatches for state-ful templates, instead of 
compiler ~~bugs~~ fun unintended features with generally horrible 
proforence, syntax and limitations


`__COUNTER__` a special token that increases by 1 each time its 


this is already possible with mixin and mix files


`__traits(oldarguments)` returns the previous template arguments

template foo(T...){
   alias bar=__traits(oldarguments);
alias a=foo!int;//bar=()
alias b=foo!bool;//bar=(int)
alias c=foo!(float,double);//bar=(int,bool)
alias d=foo!();//bar=(int,bool,float,double)

this is already possible with my favorite compiler bug, but with 
n^2 complexity

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