Parameter storage classes on foreach variables
Quirin Schroll at
Fri May 17 18:59:13 UTC 2024
As of now, `foreach` admits `ref` variables as in `foreach (ref
x; xs)`. There, `ref` can be used for two conceptually different
* Avoiding copies
* Mutating the values in place
If mutating in place is desired, `ref` is an excellent choice.
However, if mere copy avoiding is desired, another great option
would be `in`.
On parameters, it avoids expensive copies, but does trivial ones.
A type supplying `opApply` can, in principle, easily provide an
implementation where the callback takes an argument by `in` or
struct Range
int opApply(scope int delegate(size_t, in X) callback)
X x;
if (auto result = callback(0, x)) return result;
return 0;
For `out`, it’s not really different.
However, how do classical ranges (`empty`, `front`, `popFront`)
fare with these?
First `in`.
foreach (in x; xs) { … }
// lowers to
auto __xs = xs;
for (; !__xs.empty; __xs.popFront)
static if (/* should be ref */)
const scope ref x = __xs.front;
const scope x = __xs.front;
The first notable observation is that `out` makes no sense for
input ranges. Rather, it would make sense for, well, output
ranges: Every time the loop reaches the end, a `put` is issued,
whereas `continue` means “this loop iteration did not produce a
value, but continue” and `break` means “end the loop”:
foreach (out T x; xs) { … }
// lowers to
auto __xs = xs; // or xs[]
for (; !__xs.empty /* or __xs.length > 0 or nothing */;)
auto x = T.init;
__xs.put(x); /* or similar */
The program should assign `x` in its body. If control reaches the
end of the loop, the value is `put` in the output range.
As an output range, in general, need not be finite, the loop is
endless by design, but if the range has an `empty` member, it’s
being used, and for types with `length`, but no `empty`, the
condition is `__xs.length > 0`. For arrays and slices, the `put`
operation is `__xs[0] = x; __xs = __xs[1 .. $];`.
If `T` is not explicitly given, and `xs` is not an array or
slice, an attempt should be made to extract it from the single
parameter of a non-overloaded `xs.put`. Otherwise, it’s an error.
Dynamic arrays and slices should support `size_t` keys as well:
foreach (i, out x; xs) { … }
// lowers to
auto __xs = xs[];
for (size_t __i = 0; __xs.length > 0; ++__i)
size_t i = __i;
auto x = typeof(xs[0]).init;
__xs[0] = x;
__xs = __xs[1 .. $];
Associative arrays specifically can be filled using `out` key and
int[string] aa;
foreach (out key, out value; aa) { … }
// lowers to
auto __aa = aa;
for (;;)
KeyType key = KeyType.init;
ValueType value = ValueType.init;
__aa[key] = value;
At some point, a `break` is needed, otherwise the loop is
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