@safe by default
Nick Treleaven
nick at geany.org
Fri May 31 09:18:17 UTC 2024
On Thursday, 30 May 2024 at 18:35:36 UTC, Atila Neves wrote:
> https://github.com/atilaneves/DIPs/blob/safe-by-default/safe-by-default.md
> Destroy!
> If there is no body, the compiler cannot verify the @safety of
> the function and in those cases this DIP proposes that there
> will be no default. All declarations (i.e. functions with no
> body) must have exactly one of the @safe/@trusted/@system
> annotations
For extern(D), there will be a linker error if a protoype is
@safe but the implementation is @system. For other linkage, that
case would silently link with no error. That breaks the principle
of being able to grep for @trusted to find an *accidental* safety
violation. (Deliberate violation with pragma(mangle) is less
serious as that is intentional and stands out more to a reviewer).
Module 1:
import core.stdc.stdio;
@system extern(C) void ext(int* p) { p++; printf("%d\n", *p); }
Module 2:
@safe extern(C) void ext(int* p);
void main() // implicitly @safe
int i;
ext(&i); // boom
@safe should mean mechanically checked for accidental
memory-safety violations - that is a more useful definition.
Allowing non-extern(D) linkage prototypes to be @safe breaks that
principle and makes @safe prototypes a minefield.
> This DIP makes no distinction between extern(D), extern(C), and
> extern(C++) functions. Although the latter two usually apply to
> functions written in C or C++ respectively, that is not
> necessarily the case
A non-extern(D) prototype can be @trusted, and its implementation
in D can be @safe, so the implementation is mechanically checked.
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