@safe by default

Nick Treleaven nick at geany.org
Fri May 31 19:19:39 UTC 2024

On Friday, 31 May 2024 at 16:32:37 UTC, Atila Neves wrote:
> This.

I agree my argument is not necessarily an impediment to this DIP, 
but it is closely related.

> I don't think we can stop programmers intent on lying to the 
> compiler. As mentioned there's already `pragma(mangle)`,

Which sticks out in a review, and is clearly intentional not 
accidental (as I already said).

> they can write assembly, ...

Actually that supports my case, `@safe` annotated `asm` is 

You have to write `@trusted` instead, *because it's not 
mechanically checked*.

> I think that if there's a body written in D somewhere, it's 
> unlikely someone will manually write a declaration and use the 
> wrong attribute by mistake. And if there isn't, then they will 
> have had to deliberately have picked an attribute.

Not convinced it's unlikely - the implementation may be @safe 
when the prototype is written, then the implementation is changed 
to @system and the prototype is forgotten. No reason not to 
require @trusted for prototypes.

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