Allow designated initialization of struct
ryuukk_ at
Wed Oct 30 17:02:24 UTC 2024
On Saturday, 26 October 2024 at 00:55:36 UTC, Salih Dincer wrote:
> On Friday, 13 September 2024 at 14:18:28 UTC, ryuukk_ wrote:
>> This should be allowed, another DIP idea, if anyone still care
>> about improving the language
> I care but is there not enough development? I claim that D is a
> better language than C pluck pluck :)
> Isn't the following enough for you?
> ```d
> import std.typecons;
> struct Vector3i { uint x, y, z; }
> void main()
> {
> //Vector3i vector = {z: 3, x: 1, y: 2};/*
> auto vector = Vector3i(
> z: 3,
> x: 1,
> y: 2
> );//*/
> // ...
> ```
> On Monday, 21 October 2024 at 14:02:20 UTC, ryuukk_ wrote:
> I took implemented the code written by the people you modeled
> without getting lazy:
> Is the following still not enough? Same code:
> ```d
> // ...
> ResourceMaker rm;
> auto data = new ubyte[vertexSize];
> auto vertexBuffer = rm.createBuffer(
> debugName: "cube",
> byteSize: vertexSize * vertexAmo,
> usage: Usage.vertex,
> memory: Memory.GPU_CPU
> );
> auto texture = rm.createTexture(
> debugName: "lion.png",
> dimensions: Vector3i(256, 256, 1),
> format: Format.RGBA8_SRGB,
> initialData: cast(ubyte[])data[0..dataSize]
> );
> auto uniforms = vertexBuffer;
> auto material = BindGroup(
> debugName: "Car Paint",
> layout: "materialBindingsLayout",
> textures: ["albedo", "normal", "properties"],
> buffers: [tuple!("buffer", "byteOffset")(uniforms, 64)]
> );
> }
> enum : uint
> {
> dataSize = 128,
> vertexSize = 1024,
> vertexAmo = 8,
> }
> enum Format { RGBA8_SRGB, RGBA16_FLOAT }
> enum Usage { vertex, uniform }
> enum Memory { CPU, GPU_CPU }
> struct BufferDesc
> {
> string debugName = null;
> uint byteSize;
> Usage usage = Usage.uniform;
> Memory memory = Memory.CPU;
> ubyte[] initialData;
> }
> struct BindGroup
> {
> string debugName = null;
> string layout;
> string[] textures;
> Tuple!(BufferDesc, "buffer", int, "byteOffset")[]
> buffers;
> }
> struct Texture
> {
> string debugName = null;
> Vector3i dimensions;
> Format format = Format.RGBA8_SRGB;
> ubyte[] initialData;
> }
> struct ResourceMaker
> {
> auto createBuffer(uint byteSize, string debugName, Memory
> memory, Usage usage, ubyte[] initialData = [])
> => BufferDesc(debugName, byteSize, usage, memory,
> initialData);
> auto createTexture(string debugName, Vector3i dimensions,
> Format format, ubyte[] initialData = [])
> => Texture(debugName, dimensions, format, initialData);
> }
> ```
> SDB at 79
No this is not the same thing
this is function arguments, it limits what you can do and you
quickly reach its limits when you want to initialize a struct
that contains a struct
I already made a forum post about it to complain about how stupid
this is
I ask for simplicity, i have a struct and i want to construct it,
no function, no parameters, just simple struct that i can copy
D can do it, it just needs to stop limiting people on purpose,
again, if it wants to attract the C crowd, it needs to offer
better, not worse, otherwise people snub D
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