Variable declaration primary expression

IchorDev zxinsworld at
Tue Jan 21 13:26:40 UTC 2025

On Tuesday, 21 January 2025 at 01:18:08 UTC, Richard (Rikki) 
Andrew Cattermole wrote:
> I just mean that if there are no problems in the grammar then 
> it would be a good addition.

Absolutely agreed. I think the codegen would be the bigger issue, 
surely? I’m not sure if all the existing special cases reuse the 
same code but I have a feeling they don’t.
Do you think it should be necessary to explicitly initialise the 
variable (e.g. `auto x = y`) or should default initialisation be 
possible? I’m not sure why anyone would want to use default 
Also if this syntax were to work in declaration lists then it 
should only declare a variable for the duration of a single 
expression, hence:
module example;
bool x = int* y = ctfeFn() && *y == 2;
auto z = y; //Error: no variable `y` in scope
However this is probably too complex to implement since it adds a 
whole new variable scope, and you could just use a CTFE lambda:
module example;
bool x = { int* y = ctfeFn(); return *y == 2; }();
auto z = y; //Error: no variable `y` in scope
Ultimately the purpose of this syntax would be making 
declarations inside of flow control statements. I don’t think it 
would be a huge shame if it were forbidden elsewhere, but let me 
know if you think of any other cool use-cases.

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