[dmd-beta] beta branch name

Andrew Edwards edwards.ac at gmail.com
Fri Jan 24 12:37:29 PST 2014

On 1/24/14, 8:47 AM, Andrew Edwards wrote:
> The branch will be renamed tonight in preparation for building beta 2. 
> I will make this change start building beta 2 at 10:00PM EST (UTC -5) 
> so please ensure the auto tester is not using the release branch in 
> order prevent any complications when it is renamed. Also just to 
> verify that I am not causing any additional issues, the tags (aka 
> version numbers) for the release will be as follows:
>     2.65.0-b2
I may not have been all there this morning when I wrote this response. 
Here's what will be happening:

     1) The "release" branch will be renamed "2.65.0"
     2) The next tag will be "v2.65.0-b2"
     3) The beta 1 tag will NOT be renamed.

The one question I have remaining is: Are there any issues with removing 
the leading zero from the minor release number? Should it be 2.065.0 

Hopefully, with the answer to the previous question, this puts an end to 
all discussions pertaining to branching, tags, and naming contentions so 
we can focus on the things that really matter.
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