[dmd-internals] dmd commit, revision 515

Leandro Lucarella llucax at gmail.com
Wed Jun 2 21:22:32 PDT 2010

Trass3r, el  2 de junio a las 20:00 me escribiste:
> >You've been doing some great work. But the bugs are still being
> >filed faster than they're being fixed :-(
> >
> Maybe guys like Don and so on who have done such awesome work in the
> past should get commit rights to speed up the fixing process.

And maybe is time for a DVCS, so Don (and others) can maintain their
own repos (which could be tested by other people too) and Walter can
easily pull patches that are working fine without any effort (now
I guess Walter have to do the patching and commiting himself, which is
more time consuming than a simple pull command).

I think is good for consistency that there is only one person who
decides what goes in the official repo and what not, the problem is (I
guess) now that task is very time consuming. DVCS makes that very easy.

Leandro Lucarella (AKA luca)                     http://llucax.com.ar/
GPG Key: 5F5A8D05 (F8CD F9A7 BF00 5431 4145  104C 949E BFB6 5F5A 8D05)
De tan fina la condesa, por no cagarse, reza.
	-- Ricardo Vaporeso

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