[dmd-internals] Test cases for D1-CTFE

Don Clugston dclugston at googlemail.com
Fri Apr 8 22:07:56 PDT 2011

The D1 test suite still isn't on git. These are the D1 tests I added
to the bottom of interpret3.d. Only the last one is specific is D1.
char[] bug1330StringIndex()
    char [] blah = "foo".dup;
    assert(blah == "foo");
    char [] s = blah[0..2];
    blah[0] = 'h';
    assert(s== "ho");
    s[0] = 'm';
    return blah;

static assert(bug1330StringIndex()=="moo");
static assert(bug1330StringIndex()=="moo"); // check we haven't
clobbered any string literals

int[] bug1330ArrayIndex()
    int [] blah = [1,2,3];
    int [] s = blah;
    s = blah[0..2];
    int z = blah[0] = 6;
    assert(s== [6, 2]);
    s[1] = 4;
    return blah;

static assert(bug1330ArrayIndex()==[6,4,3]);
static assert(bug1330ArrayIndex()==[6,4,3]); // check we haven't
clobbered any literals

char[] bug1330StringSliceAssign()
    char [] blah = "food".dup;
    assert(blah == "food");
    char [] s = blah[1..4];
    blah[0..2] = "hc";
    assert(s== "cod");
    s[0..2] = ['a', 'b'];   // Mix string + array literal
    assert(blah == "habd");
    s[0..2] = "mq";
    return blah;

static assert(bug1330StringSliceAssign()=="hmqd");
static assert(bug1330StringSliceAssign()=="hmqd");

int[] bug1330ArraySliceAssign()
    int [] blah = [1,2,3,4];
    int [] s = blah[1..4];
    blah[0..2] = [7, 9];
    assert(s == [9,3,4]);
    s[0..2] = [8, 15];
    return blah;

static assert(bug1330ArraySliceAssign()==[7, 8, 15, 4]);

int[] bug1330ArrayBlockAssign()
    int [] blah = [1,2,3,4,5];
    int [] s = blah[1..4];
    blah[0..2] = 17;
    assert(s == [17,3,4]);
    s[0..2] = 9;
    return blah;

static assert(bug1330ArrayBlockAssign()==[17, 9, 9, 4, 5]);

char[] bug1330StringBlockAssign()
    char [] blah = "abcde".dup;
    char [] s = blah[1..4];
    blah[0..2] = 'x';
    assert(s == "xcd");
    s[0..2] = 'y';
    return blah;

static assert(bug1330StringBlockAssign() == "xyyde");

int assignAA(int x) {
    int[int] aa;
    int[int] cc = aa;
    aa[1] = 2;
    aa[x] = 6;
    int[int] bb = aa;
    assert(cc.keys.length==0); // cc is not affected to aa, because it is null
    aa[500] = 65;
    assert(bb.keys.length==3); // but bb is affected by changes to aa
    return aa[1] + aa[x];
static assert(assignAA(12) == 8);

template Compileable(int z) { bool OK;}

int arraybounds(int j, int k)
    int [] xxx = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
    int [] s = xxx[1..$];
    s = s[j..k]; // slice of slice
    return s[$-1];

int arraybounds2(int j, int k)
    int [] xxx = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
    int [] s = xxx[j..k]; // direct slice
    return 1;
static assert( !is(typeof(Compileable!(arraybounds(1, 14)))));
static assert( !is(typeof(Compileable!(arraybounds(15, 3)))));
static assert( arraybounds(2,4) == 5);
static assert( !is(typeof(Compileable!(arraybounds2(1, 14)))));
static assert( !is(typeof(Compileable!(arraybounds2(15, 3)))));
static assert( arraybounds2(2,4) == 1);

int bug5147a() {
    int[1][2] a = 37;
    return a[0][0];

static assert(bug5147a()==37);

int bug5147b() {
    int[4][2][3][17] a = 37;
    return a[0][0][0][0];

static assert(bug5147b()==37);

int setlen()
    int[][] zzz;
    zzz.length = 2;
    zzz[0].length = 10;
    assert(zzz.length == 2);
    return 2;

static assert(setlen()==2);

int ZZfoo()
    const int [] ZZ = [ 1,2,3];
    int [] q = ZZ;
    int [] w = ZZ;
    if (q[1]!=2) return 27;
    w[1] = 6;
    return q[2];
static assert(ZZfoo()==3);
static assert(ZZfoo()==3);

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